89th Interpol General Assembly begins in Istanbul

The 89th General Assembly of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) has started in Turkey’s financial and cultural hub Istanbul, with the aim to address global security threats…reports Asian Lite News

This General Assembly will discuss “the highest strategic direction of the organization and global threats that make Interpol’s action so needed”, said Kim Jong Yang, president of Interpol.

89th Interpol General Assembly begins in Istanbul

Tuesday was the first General Assembly meeting of Interpol since the Covid-19 outbreak lured ministers, police chiefs, and top police officers from more than 160 countries.

Addressing the meeting via a video message, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey, located in the middle of Asia, Europe, and Africa, is facing multiple security risks.

“Turkey has been one of the most affected countries by armed conflicts, especially in our neighbours Syria and Iraq,” Erdogan pointed out.

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Interpol’s General Assembly meets once a year to take “decisions affecting general policy, the resources needed for international cooperation, working methods, finances, and programs of activities”, according to Interpol.

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