De-stress the work week

Ebraheem Al Samadi. (Supplied Photo)

How to de-stress during the work week, words by Ebraheem Al Samadi, CEO of Al Samadi Group and Forever Rose London … reports Asian Lite News.

Ebraheem Al Samadi. (Supplied Photo)

There is no doubt that we have all had moments when work has become overbearing and stresses begin to creep in. According to research, eighty percent of people felt stress while on the job due to feeling overloaded with work. The Harvard Business Review also attributes sixty to eighty percent of workplace accidents to have a direct correlation to stress. During stressful periods, it is important to take the time to loosen up during the week in order to keep yourself relaxed and able to face trying situations you may have at work. So how can you most effectively shake off work tensions during the week? Ebraheem Al Samadi, CEO of Al Samadi Group and Forever Rose London, outlines five ways to de-stress during the work week in order for you to stay productive and positive.

Plan Ahead

Ebraheem Al Samadi. (Supplied Photo)

Planning your work schedule at least a day in advance is a great way to avoid last-minute panic. Although cancellations and changes are sometimes unavoidable, having a general idea of your daily activities will help ease your day to day routine. Have a daily planner to jot down your appointments or use the calendar application on your email. Having everything placed in an organized manner will help you remember what you need to do and if there are any important deadlines to focus on. Your day may be busy, but organisation will keep stress to a minimum.

Watch a funny movie

(Supplied Photo)

After a long day at the office, there’s no better way to unwind than to get in your PJs, grab some popcorn and put something funny on TV. Whether a classic rom-com, your favourite TV show or a stand-up special, have a laugh and put your work stress aside. You can pick up where you left off when you’re back in the office tomorrow, but it is important to relax in order to have a clear mind in the morning.

Go for a massage

Why not spare yourself an hour and schedule in a midweek massage. This is bound to not only loosen the tension in your muscles, but also free your mind of any anxiety-ridden thoughts. If a full-body massage is not for you, go for a foot massage or even a facial treatment. Any spa treatment you choose is a sure-fire way to relax your body and mind to conquer the next work day without feeling strained.

Think positive

(Supplied Photo)

Having a positive outlook on every aspect of your life will help keep your stress levels down. Keep flowers on your desk and have your favourite motivational saying in front of you in order to stimulate positive energy within your work space. Surrounding yourself with good vibes throughout the day will help you stay calm and productive even on a hectic day.

Have a meal with friends

(Supplied Photo)

When the work day is done, there’s no better way to de-stress than meeting with friends and family. Whether ordering in or organising a pot-luck meal, spending time with the ones you love over dinner will help you forget about the issues at work. Keep the conversation light and steer away from work gossip. Why not reminisce over old memories or who made the best dish, have a laugh and leave the stresses of the day for the office tomorrow.


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