On the 112th birth anniversary of the iconic Indian freedom fighter Chandra Shekhar Azad on Monday, renowned film studio Bombay Talkies announced that “Rashtraputra”, based on his life story will be released on September 14…reports Asian Lite News
“Rashtraputra” has been written, directed and acted by Aazaad. The teaser and motion poster of the film was also launched.
Making the announcement Aazaad told IANS: “This is a very special film, close to my heart because, in the British-ruled country, Chandra Shekhar was one and only young freedom fighter of that time who named himself ‘Azad’ which means freedom.”
“He was free in his mind, his dream was to make his country free. It is unfortunate that not many people know his story in details. I think our upcoming generation should know the contribution of Chandra Shekhar Azad in the freedom movement of India,” he added.
The film is produced by the iconic Bombay Talkies which was established in 1934 by Himanshu Rai and Devika Rani and produced some of the commercially successful films back then such as “Jeevan Naiya”, “Ziddi”, “Kismet” among many others.
It is notable that after an interval of six decades the legendary pillar of Indian cinema, making a comeback under the command of Girish Ghanshyam Dube with “Rashtraputra”.
“Rashtraputra” will be released in 26 languages.