Actress Anushka Sharma, who has wrapped up shooting for her upcoming film “Zero”, has thanked the cast and crew for being a support system in making the project wholeheartedly…reports Asian Lite News
Anushka on Wednesday tweeted: “‘Zero’ is all heart. ‘Zero’ is these two wonderful people and everything they have endeavoured to create.” ‘Zero’ is me going on this journey with them. What a pleasure it has been.”
She posted the message along with a photograph featuring Shah Rukh and director Aanand L. Rai on either side. The movie also features Katrina Kaif.
Anushka added: “Big hug Aanand L. Rai and Shah Rukh Khan for your belief and to Katrina Kaif for being the amaze one that she is! ‘Zero’ wrap.”
“Zero” is a story that celebrates life. Its first look featured Shah Rukh Khan as a vertically challenged man.
The movie is slated to release on December 21.
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